Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Organizational Goals And Customer Expectations - 1475 Words

There are six (6) competencies that every result driven employee must obtain in order to meet organizational goals and customer expectations. They are: accountability, customer service, decisiveness, entrepreneurship, problem solving and technical credibility. Accountability is one’s ability to hold her and other accountable for noticeable supremacy, profitable results in a timely matter. To be successful at accountability one must set priorities, establish objectives, delegate work, admit when one makes an oversight, obeys with company guidelines. Customer service is a requirement for internal and external customers; one must anticipate and meet both their needs while delivering high-quality merchandise and assistances. A continuous improvement is a requirement for customer service. Decisiveness will help one make an effective and educated, but timely decision regardless of the amount of data available or if one’s decision has unfavorable consequences. Distinguishes th e possible impact and implications of one’s choices. Entrepreneurship will assist with a successful future with the organization by pinpointing new opportunities. Assistances with building the organization by developing or improving existing merchandise or services. Entrepreneurship will take computed possibilities to achieve organizational objectives. Problem solving will assist in identifying and analyzing possible problems, calculate and produce alternative results, consider the significance andShow MoreRelatedTotal Quality Management Theory1305 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Most organizational management theories descend either from Frederick Taylor’s scientific management theory or from Elton Mayo s human relations model. Total Quality Management (TQM) theory grew out of existing organizational management theories, in part, as a response to the problems in those theories. Edwards Deming and Joseph Juran are most responsible for the development of TQM. 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