Monday, May 18, 2020

“ThereS A Fine Line Between Genius And Insanity. I Have

â€Å"There s a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line† - Oscar Levant. William Shakespeare s tragic play, Hamlet, is centered around the idea of Revenge. Hamlet’s father was murdered by his uncle, who then married his widowed mother, leaving him absolutely traumatized. And to add to this trauma, his father’s ghost returned to tell him he was murdered and that revenge must be sought, or he must remain in purgatory. Hamlet then vowed to fulfill his father’s wish while also feigning madness so that no other could determine his intentions to kill the man that was then king. On his path to take revenge on the king, Ophelia was driven into true insanity which greatly contrasts his own feign of madness. Many have believed†¦show more content†¦. . this not to do, // So grace and mercy at your most need help you, // Swear!†(I,v,173-175,180-182). Knowing that the apparition could have been the devil’s doing, as Hamlet h ad no absolute way of knowing that it had been his father and that he had told the truth, he waited until he himself could prove Claudius’ guilt. This is a pivotal moment in discerning Hamlet’s sanity. An insane person would have taken action immediately without thought, but he knew to think through the possibility of a lie while still intending to follow through with the request. Insanity causes unclear thinking and excessive anger, both of which were countered in that single moment. Shakespeare himself intentionally put in an example of what true insanity is to contrast Hamlet’s act; Ophelia achieved such status after the murder of her father by the one she loved. Prince Hamlet was only ever perceived as insane when he wanted to be, but Ophelia unwillingly lost all control of her mind. Laertes was especially convinced of her madness: â€Å"Burn out the sense and virtue of mine eye! // By heaven, thy madness shall be paid by weight, // Till our scale turns the beam† (IV,v,153-155). Ophelia continually barged into the king’s halls and proceeded to sing and speak in a way that was both unintelligible and unnerving. Her insanity did not last long though, as it came to an abrupt end when she absent-mindedly drowned herself in the creek; she had gone so insane that she was completelyShow MoreRelatedTeachers: Unsung Heroes of the World4204 Words   |  17 Pagessuperlative degree of adjective. You are the Minerva and the hair of Samson in my life. You have always been there leading me along the path that I have chosen! I salute you all! - K.A.P.C. * * * Introduction The writing technique that I used in this paper was a little different than those that I have written before, specifically during my undergraduate studies. In here, I made use of chapters instead of uninterrupted, paragraph by paragraph account. TheRead MoreEssay on Hearing Voices and Etheogens2483 Words   |  10 Pagesis considered a cross-cultural phenomenon. A Shaman can use psychoactive drugs to communicate with the spirit realm or a schizophrenic individual may hear voices that command them to commit transgressions towards themselves or against other people. 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Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 Pagesdesignations appear in this book, and the publisher was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial caps or all caps. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Robbins, Stephen P. Organizational behavior / Stephen P. Robbins, Timothy A. Judge. — 15th ed. p. cm. Includes indexes. ISBN-13: 978-0-13-283487-2 ISBN-10: 0-13-283487-1 1. Organizational behavior. I. Judge, Tim. II. Title. HD58.7.R62 2012 658.3—dc23 2011038674 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN 10: 0-13-283487-1Read MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 PagesPast, edited by Susan Porter Benson, Stephen Brier, and Roy Rosenzweig Also in this series: Paula Hamilton and Linda Shopes, eds., Oral History and Public Memories Tiffany Ruby Patterson, Zora Neale Hurston and a History of Southern Life Lisa M. Fine, The Story of Reo Joe: Work, Kin, and Community in Autotown, U.S.A. Van Gosse and Richard Moser, eds., The World the Sixties Made: Politics and Culture in Recent America Joanne Meyerowitz, ed., History and September 11th John McMillian and Paul

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Organizational Goals And Customer Expectations - 1475 Words

There are six (6) competencies that every result driven employee must obtain in order to meet organizational goals and customer expectations. They are: accountability, customer service, decisiveness, entrepreneurship, problem solving and technical credibility. Accountability is one’s ability to hold her and other accountable for noticeable supremacy, profitable results in a timely matter. To be successful at accountability one must set priorities, establish objectives, delegate work, admit when one makes an oversight, obeys with company guidelines. Customer service is a requirement for internal and external customers; one must anticipate and meet both their needs while delivering high-quality merchandise and assistances. A continuous improvement is a requirement for customer service. Decisiveness will help one make an effective and educated, but timely decision regardless of the amount of data available or if one’s decision has unfavorable consequences. Distinguishes th e possible impact and implications of one’s choices. Entrepreneurship will assist with a successful future with the organization by pinpointing new opportunities. Assistances with building the organization by developing or improving existing merchandise or services. Entrepreneurship will take computed possibilities to achieve organizational objectives. Problem solving will assist in identifying and analyzing possible problems, calculate and produce alternative results, consider the significance andShow MoreRelatedTotal Quality Management Theory1305 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Most organizational management theories descend either from Frederick Taylor’s scientific management theory or from Elton Mayo s human relations model. Total Quality Management (TQM) theory grew out of existing organizational management theories, in part, as a response to the problems in those theories. Edwards Deming and Joseph Juran are most responsible for the development of TQM. 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Specific retailer free essay sample

A consumer profile report for a specific retailer or brand discussing how the brand/ retailer utilises fashion promotion methods and principles to influence their target consumer. The report should be 2500 words, (excluding tables, reference page and appendices). The report layout should be professionally presented with numbered headings and subheadings, page numbers and should include relevant headers and footers. The report should be written in the third person with no spelling or grammatical errors including no abbreviations, using the Harvard referencing system. Assessment Objectives/Rationale: Within the fashion retail industry, fashion brands and retailers must research, identify and understand their target consumer. This assessment task focuses upon: Consumer Segmentation Analysing the different variables and characteristics that make up the different consumers within the fashion retail industry today. In order for a company to be successful in todays competitive environment. Assessment Criteria 1 2 The exploration of the variables and characteristics in relation to the consumer for a specific brand/retailer. We will write a custom essay sample on Specific retailer or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Analysis of how the brand/retailer selected utilises fashion romotion methods and principles to influence their target consumer Each section is worth 25% The Profile Report Chapter 1 Introduction (10% of the word count). Introduce the topic of consumer segmentation and why it is important to profile target consumers within the fashion industry. Why it is important to profile target consumers? Chapter 2 The Consumer. Discuss the characteristics that are utilised to profile target consumers. Within this chapter, you will need to support your comments with appropriate resources (relate to lecture notes weeks ) what are these characteristics? How would you divide this chapter? Chapter 3 The Retailer or Brand. Discussion of the Retailer/ brand. Relate to the marketing mix discussions within class (lecture and seminars week 12 and 13). What would be included within this chapter? Chapter 4 Fashion Promotional Methods. Discuss what the brand uses and how do these techniques influence the target consumer? Relate to week 13 lecture notes. What methods would be discussed within this chapter? Chapter 5 -Summary In the conclusion you are summarising your main chapters i. e. the findings and analysis. This should be done using the main themes of the report, giving general conclusions. The last sentences should sum up the aim of the assessment. There should be NO new information in this section. It is approximately 10% of the total word count. Assessment Criteria 3 Evidence of secondary research/sources and logical interpretation of primary research where applicable, in relation to the brand/retailer, target consumer and fashion promotion methods and principles. 25% of the overall mark Using Secondary Resources NRS Grade Acorn -CACI Classification National Statistics What primary resources can you use? Assessment Criteria 4 Presentation, Structure and Layout Each section is worth 25%